Closing the Books


Every one is busy closing the books. We always have to account for every thing that transpired over the year, don’t we? Companies are so diligent about doing this usually because it serves them well to review all the good that has happened and also the bad. Because noting these, they know, can largely better their performance at work for another whole year.

Now I wonder how many of us take the time to do this to ourselves, as well? Do we open and close the books of our year before we go to the next one? If not, then let me encourage us to do so. Because even if we aren’t companies and multinational corporations, the stakes are high for our souls, spirits, hearts, and minds.


Let me give you some tips that could help you account for 2017, as you find the time to reflect during the holidays.



Go by month. From January to December, try to recall the highs, lows, the events that were well within your control, as well as those that were clearly out of your hands. Think about what you could have done better, and what you wouldn’t have been able to avoid no matter what. Then ask yourself: what can I learn from these?



Try thinking of your top three mistakes for the year. Instead of your faith goals, think of what went wrong from your end and what lessons you can get out of it. Lastly, resolve to leave them and never to do them again as you move forward to the next year.



What are you most grateful for this year? Make a list without stopping until you get everything on record. Hopefully this builds your ability to believe that God reserves another blessed year ahead of you.



What have you done for others this year? I know we shouldn’t be counting that which we have done for others, but I think that it’s also to keep in check our social conscience. For the good of others, yes, but also for our own benefit. That we may never turn too insular and self-centered. Maybe it will be good to evaluate if we even plot it in our calendars to pursue projects that will benefit others and not only ourselves. This exercise is not to boast of what we’ve given but to account for our mindfulness about the world around us and how we can improve and heighten that even more next year.



What is one verse that sums up your 2017? I know we always start new years with activities like what is your one word for this year, but maybe we can also name a year we are assessing in retrospect? As a whole, what is the Word of your 2017?


Most of us are taking a break this season and I hope we all get the time to deeply reflect on the year. Feel free to add more prompts to this list, maybe even sharing them at the comments section below for others to see!



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