Peralejo Sisters on Hey Jow’s Style Stories


Guess what? The Peralejo sisters are featured on Hey Jow's blog for December!

And I love it for several reasons.


  1. Because I get to be featured with my sister. I always love doing stuff with Paula because she’s fun and hardworking and creative and bright.
  2. Because I get to wear and talk about MY OWN style. I was so happy to answer Kath’s questions as they forced me to articulate what is distinctly my style, and the philosophy behind it. (I hope this also helps people who have been asking me about how I put my clothes together every time I go out. Haha! Sorry that it’s taking me forever to blog these little things!)
  3. Because I get to be photographed by THE Sheila Catilo again!!! I love being in front of this woman because she just knows how to capture my spirit and make me pretty in them, hehe!
  4. I get to work with Tamara Pineda for the first time. She did our makeup and I absolutely love the result!!!
  5. Because I get to wear Hey Jow, which really is my go-to for statement pieces every time I want to dress up a plain looking outfit. Thanks, Joanna.


Anyway, I won’t make this any longer so head on over to our Hey Jow feature!!! Click this: STYLE STORIES, to go there! 



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